CSI had once more an interesting challenge for us. This weeks colors reminded me some much of USA, so I wanted to scrap one of the photos from our trip there. And what would be better topic than my favorite city in the world!
I've been experimenting acrylic paints and played with them in this challenge too. I painted a black square to the page and created dots through a stencil. I colored some of the dots with red and blue gelatos to match the color palette. I really like the chalkboard feel and the effect that the dots gave! As the painting was big part of the page, I tried to keep the rest of the page quite simple so that the page won't be too busy.
Evidence: Polka dots, stripes
Testimony: 4 reasons. I journaled 4 reasons to love New York: Food culture, Broadway, architecture, atmosphere. Of course there are many more reasons, but those were the first four I could think of :)
Upea sivu! Mahtavat maalailut!