In the beginning of August the first CSI challenge together with Scrap365 was published. The subject of the challenge was perfect as we have so many pictures from the road trip part of our honeymoon. This was also a good opportunity to scrap one of the pictures where you can see the rental car.
Taustaa työstin taas tyypilliseen tapaan: akryylimaalia, leimoja, mistiä ja tottakai roiskeita. Roiskeiden määrä vaan tuntuu lisääntyvän sivuissani :) Koska kuvassa oli tilaa, päätin lisätä otsikon ja nuolet suoraan kuvaan. Tarinointi on kuvan takana olevassa pussissa, jonka tein leivinpaperista. Tarinointiin kirjasin ylös mm. matkareittimme.
I worked with the background once again: acrylic paint, stamping, mist and splashes (of course). The amount of splashes seems to be increasing in my layouts :) As there was room in the picture I added the title and the arrows directly to the picture. Journaling is in the self made envelope that I made from baking paper. The journaling includes e.g. the route that we drove.
Evidence: Stripes, metal (staples in the journaling card), sunburst (background paper), something transparent
Testimony: Road trip