Road to Hana

Edellisestä onnistuneesta skräppäyksestä innostuneena päätin osallistua ensimmäiseen skräppäyshaasteeseen. Paper Storiesin maaliskuun luonnos näytti hauskalta ja päätin soveltaa sitä. Sivuni kertoo häämatkamme yhdestä päiväretkestä Mauilla, jossa näimme upeita vesiputouksia.

I'm a beginner in scrapbooking but as my previous layout worked out pretty well, I decided to take part to my first scrapbooking challenge. Paper Stories had a nice sketch and I used that to build a page about one of our day trips during our honeymoon. In Maui there is this scenic route "Road to Hana" which is a must-see if you travel there. We saw multiple gorgeous waterfalls during that day.



  1. Hieno. Vesiputos sopii hyvin katkaistavaksi.

  2. Kaunis ja tasapainoinen sivu! Ihana värimaailma!

  3. Really lovely and pretty! Am so glad you chose Paper Stories as your first scrapbook challenge - it's so great to have you playing along! Hope to see more of your layouts in the future!

  4. What a magical photo. So glad you joined us at Paper Stories :)

    1. Thank you, that waterfall really was amazing! :)

  5. coooooollll!!!!!!!!!!!!! love your LO! thanks from PS!


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